Digital Design

Om een krachtig merk op te bouwen is investeren in professionele digitale en grafische media essentieel. Onze in-house digital designers zijn experts in digital content creation en leveren een digital design experience die een blijvende emotionele impact nalaat op je doelgroep.

team member Jody Vercauteren


Allround Designer

Looking for assistance with digital content and digital design?

What is digital design and why is it so important


Customers make up their mind about your website or app in 0.05 seconds.


For 88% of consumers, a strong digital design experience and authenticity are important when choosing brands.

Conversion ratio

Two-thirds of companies say good digital design has contributed to at least 10% higher conversion rate and return on investment (ROI).


Using a distinctive color in your digital and graphic media can increase your increase brand recognition by 80%.

De mensen van MediaComm komen in een brede schaal van kwaliteiten en talenten. De juiste specialisten worden heel vlot ingeschakeld op onze afdeling

Miek Gilissen

Head of Postproduction & Art bij Studio 100

How our digital designers assist you

From UX UI to websites and prototyping: with a team of over 70 digital designers, we come up with impressive digital designs that will set you apart from the competition:

User interfaces (UI design).

Attract attention and engage your audience with thoughtful user interfaces that bring your story to life and appeal to your target audience.

User experience (UX design)

An intuitive and user experience makes it easy for customers to navigate, find information and interact with your company’s digital channels.


Need a professional website? Our web designers use strategic call-to-action buttons and user-friendly navigation intended to generate more leads and more sales.

Mobile apps

With a powerful mobile app bring your ideas directly to the palm of your users’ hands.

Digital platforms

Discover the power of a robust digital platform and allow your brand to flourish in the online space.


Whether you want a game, website or UX design to be prototyping, we help you with advanced and easy-to-use prototyping tools to test and refine your ideas so that your project is ready for success.

Why opt for a MediaComm digital designer

With a combination of expertise, creativity, customisation, collaboration and a focus on results, we are the perfect partner for all your digital design projects:

Diversity of talent

Our team of seasoned digital designers has expertise in various disciplines, such as web design, UX/UI-design and graphic design.

Innovative and creative

We aim to make your brand stand out and to put your message across in a unique and impactful manner.


We provide solutions that adapt to your time schedule and budget, whether you need support for a short-term project or as part of a long-term business relationship.

Quality and reliability

Our graphic designers are carefully selected based on their skills and experience, which makes sure your projects are in safe hands.

Efficiency and swiftness

Our comprehensive pool of digital designers enables us to bring your project to fruition swiftly and efficiently. Do you work to tight deadlines or face last-minute changes? We complete your project on time and on budget.

Book your digital designer now

Time to book your digital designer with MediaComm and to give your brand a digital boost with powerful, custom-created content. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help you to achieve your goals!

Check out all of our strong suits

Content creation & Illustration

The right visual content is vital to make sure your marketing messages and communications have the desired impact. The proper visuals make your message stronger and more appealing. Our graphic designers create images, illustrations and icons that ensure you leave a lasting impression.

Branding & visual identity

Branding and visual identity are key building blocks to underpin your marketing and communication messages. They create and cement the visual and emotional bond with your target group.

Digital design

In order to build a powerful brand, investing in professional digital and graphic media is essential. Our in-house digital designers are experts at creating digital content and come up with a digital experience that makes a lasting emotional impact on your target group.

Print & layout

Keen to find out how you can take your brand to the next level with stunning print material? Our graphic designers use advanced printing and layout software.

Motion design & animation

Want to liven up your infographics, web design or social media? Our motion designers use powerful visual tools and creative technologies to make your content vibrant and engaging.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently opening up a wealth of opportunities for creative expression in your marketing communications. Our AI designers create unique AI images and run tailored workshops to integrate AI in your creative work flows.
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