Grafische versterking op projectbasis

What is project sourcing
Project sourcing is an amalgamation of the words ‘project’ and ‘outsourcing’. Outsourcing means the practice of hiring a party outside a company to perform some of its business processes. We are familiar with this practice mainly because large companies, for example, outsource the work in their canteen to a specialist firm, or hire a marketing agency for their communications.
Nowadays, smaller players too can easily hire a team or person for short projects: project sourcing, in other words. Are you facing a temporary staff shortage in a department, or are you working intensively on a particular project? In that case you have 4 options:
- You recruit a direct employee,
- You call on the services of a self-employed freelance worker,
- You call on a temporary work agency for assistance,
- or: you opt for specialist project sourcing.
In the latter case, an expert comes to work at your office to reinforce your team while this person remains on the payroll of an external company.

The benefits of project sourcing vs.
other forms of employment
Project sourcing is a reliable solution for companies and employees alike. You call on the assistance of (graphic design) specialists in a very flexible manner when you are looking at a temporary (or long-term) increase in workload. This allows you to still take on bigger projects and gradually strengthen your company’s position, even in economically uncertain times
Project sourcing protects you against claims of false self-employment where freelance workers spend time working for you over a longer period of time.
Project sourcing with MediaComm gets you the right specialist right away. No need to advertise vacancies to try and find experienced graphic designers all by yourself.
Project sourcing means your temporary worker is better protected than a freelance worker.
Project sourcing reduces the pressure on your permanent staff and is cheaper and more flexible than an extra permanent cost on your own payroll.
During busy periods, we count on MediaComm. Because of the structural cooperation, the MediaComm people know the colleagues and the workings of the company. Everything happens quickly and efficiently, there is little need for explanation.Kim Goossens
Marketing Manager Lambrechts Plumbing
Quality guaranteed
Belgium has strict rules governing project sourcing. In order to ‘lend’ experts to a third party, the service provider needs to meet a series of strict requirements.
Federgon, the trade association of HR service providers, supports businesses that provide solutions to meet the needs of their customers by way of this flexible form of employment, and which simultaneously offer protection for their own employees. Which explains why MediaComm is a proud ‘Certified Member Project Sourcing’.

This quality label is a guarantee for client companies that they are getting dependable quality services and is a guarantee of sustainable employment for MediaComm's 70 graphic designers.