Wat onze klanten vertellen
Denk onder andere aan uitgeverijen, reclamebureaus, drukkerijen, grafische bureaus en de marketingdepartementen van kmo’s en multinationals.
You always, and very quickly, get a solution and support from an experienced and proficient graphic designer. MediaComm is on hand to provide assistance with several projects at the same time. As MediaComm has a large pool they can draw from, this means they are able to help in double quick time.
All our communication staff tend to be all-rounders. We do have notions of graphic design but to deliver real quality work we call on MediaComm.
The other big advantage is that MediaComm’s designers are so flexible that they can also work from home. When things need to go really quickly, a telephone briefing or a briefing by e-mail is all it takes to enable the designer to get straight down to work.
Customers in the picture
This overview shows at a glance in which sectors, for which companies and in which provinces our employees have already handled graphic design projects.
For further references or examples of assignments that closely match yours, get in touch and outline your upcoming project. We will be happy to propose our most relevant expertise and experiences.